Our Groups
A key aim of Adult Critical Care Networks is to improve equity of access, experience and health outcomes for patients within critical care services, across healthcare organisations and geographical boundaries.
One of the most effective ways of doing this is through the sharing of insight, experience, learning and best practice amongst our critical care units. As such, we have developed specialist area subgroups to help enable this cross-unit working. Group meetings and networking provide the opportunity for peer support to staff working in these areas.
These subgroups are formed of representatives from specialist areas of critical care from units across the Network, and are chaired by a chosen member (or members) of the group and supported by the Network.

Advanced Critical Care Practitioner
The Advanced Critical Care Practitioner group aims to promote and develop the role within the Network’s provider units.
The purpose of the Curriculum group is to collaborate on the delivery of the Network courses.
Data Leads
The data leads group provides a forum for collaboration and sharing of knowledge and experience to promote, develop and standardise audit practices throughout the network.
Follow Up
The Follow Up group hopes to support provider units in implementing and developing their inpatient and outpatient follow up services.
The aim of the Outreach group is to support units in their development of critical care outreach services.
The Pharmacy group was formed to promote, develop and share learning and expertise amongst pharmacy professionals across the Network.
Practice Educators
The Practice Educator group provides a forum for collaboration and sharing of lessons and outcomes for education within critical care.
Professional Nurse Advocate
The purpose of the Professional Nurse Advocate group is to promote, develop and share learning with regards to the PNA role within intensive care.
The Psychologists in Critical Care group provides a forum for collaboration and peer support along with opportunities to share learning and outcomes.
The Rehabilitation group promote shared learning and support units to develop their rehabilitation services.
Speech and Language Therapy
The Speech and Language Therapy group provides a forum for collaboration and the sharing of lessons and outcomes relating to speech and language therapy services.
The Transfer group oversee all adult critical care transfers and aim to ensure equipment, policies and training are standardised across the region and are aligned with national guidelines.