KSS Operational Delivery Network
Operational Delivery Networks (ODN’s) were established in 2013, following the publication of the NHS England strategy ‘Developing Operational Delivery Networks: The Way Forward’.
The Kent, Surrey and Sussex Adult Critical Care, Operating Delivery Network is responsible for assuring governance arrangements for Critical care units within the South East, including supporting their outcomes and outputs as included in the relevant commissioning service specifications.
KSS ACC ODN are clinically driven and promote a collaborative approach to working. Our focus is to deliver agreed outcomes with the engagement, interaction and commitment of stakeholders and member organisations. This is by coordinating patient pathways between providers over a wide area within Kent, Surrey and Sussex to ensure equitable access to specialist resources and expertise. We work together with Provider Units by ensuring effective communication to share learning, experience, knowledge, skills and best practice for the benefit of all. This allows for improved patients and service outcomes, supports innovation and efficiency across patient pathways and quality standards.