About us
Adult Critical Care Networks are a vehicle for collaboration between patients, providers and commissioners. All networks have an important role in delivering the NHS’s triple aim, supporting:
- Better health and wellbeing
- The quality of care for all patients
- The sustainable and efficient use of NHS resources
Successful networks create climates of innovation and improvement leading to the delivery of safer, higher quality patient centred care.
Adult Critical Care Networks act as a conduit between commissioners and providers and are focused on coordinating patient pathways between providers over a wide area to ensure:
- Equitable access to specialist resources and expertise
- Improving outcomes and quality standards
- Evidence based networked patient pathways are agreed

We have clear lines of accountability with our NHS England Regional Teams (and Integrated Care Boards) to ensure local ownership, alignment and a local mandate to deliver national Adult Critical Care priorities and objectives.
The South of England Adult Critical Care Operational Delivery Networks consist of three Networks:
- South West Adult Critical Care Operational Delivery Network
- Thames Valley & Wessex Adult Critical Care Operational Delivery Network
- Kent, Surrey and Sussex Adult Critical Care Operational Delivery Network
Each Network operates independently but works collaboratively with the other two in the South of England. The units and patient pathways can overlap Regional boundaries.