Our Groups
The groups in the South West are vital for aiding communication and learning across the region.
Our groups are lead by a chair and meet at least twice a year (and in person at least once a year). We also hold days of education for the groups such as ‘Educate the Educators’. These are important forums for sharing and discussing policies and how to give the patients the best quality care in our units.
Below are the contact details for each of our groups, if you would like to join or would like more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

ACCP Group
Joint Chair: Sarah Hillman
Joint Chair: Tenaya Webb
Email: Tenaya.webb@uhbw.nhs.uk
Sarah Hillman - Advanced Critical Care Practitioner, Critical Care Services, Royal United Hospital Bath.
PNA Group
Chair: Siobhan Warne
Email: siobhan.warne@Somersetft.nhs.uk
Clinical Supervision Project Lead / Lead PNA, Musgrove Park Hospital
Allied Health Professionals
Joint Chair: Caroline Ficke
Email: caroline.ficke@nhs.net
Physiotherapy Team Leader Critical Care, RUH Bath
Joint Chair: James Bruce
Email: James.Bruce@uhbw.nhs.uk
Critical Care Occupational Therapy Clinical Specialist
Practice Educators
Chair: Sarah Sibley
Email: Sarah.sibley@uhbw.nhs.uk
Practice Education Facilitator:
Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (C604)
Bristol Heart Institute
The Follow up group is still in development, but if you would like to join the group or would like more information, please email Warren or swccn@uhbw.nhs.uk
The Research group is still in development at present, if you would like further information please email Matt or swccn@uhbw.nhs.uk
Outreach Group
Chair: Rosie Corbett
Critical Care Outreach Senior Sister,
RUH Bath
Transfer Group
Chair: David Cain
Email: david.cain6@nhs.net
Consultant Critical Care and Anaesthesia,
Royal Cornwall Hospital
Pharmacy Group
Chair: Andy Parsons
Email: Andrew.parsons@nbt.nhs.uk
Principal Pharmacist for anaesthetics, Surgery and Critical Care
North Bristol NHS Trust